The reason why I went to Chicago was the International Short Film Festival which I attended on Friday night watching some nice comedy and scifi/action movies. Honestly, I think they weren't any special at all so I'm really going to consider submitting my short movies to similar festivals. After the screening, which ended 11 pm we had a little guided city tour in the famous Chicago trollies, which was actually pretty nice a city tour at midnight, but unfortunately I was really really tired from driving and the tour lasted like 2 hours passing by one skyscraper after the other I kind of fell asleep after the first hours hehe. But anyhow, the start was great and the had some free pizza and drinks. After that I headed directly back to the hostel trying to get some sleep in order to have enough energy for Saturday. I tried to get some sleep in my room with four french guys and a guy which nationality remained undefined to me on the, well I guess I can really say it on Americas worst mattress. I swear to god that was more anything else than a mattress - that was unbelievable it felt like lying on the ground in the woods or something. But better than nothing.

On Saturday I went up like 10 am, wandering around Downtown which didn't impress me at all. New York City still remains my favorite city so far. On 1:15 pm the screening of the shorts started again and I have been there until like 5pm. I took the train home, taking a nap and a shower and went to the Navy Pier which is some kind of an entertainment area because I wanted to see Transformers on the IMAX screen. When I arrived at 6:30pm the 7pm show was already sold out so I had to wait 3 hours for the next show. I really can tell you that 3 hours can be a very long time waiting on something. First of all I thought well it's not that bad, I ended up riding the fairys weel, the carousel and all the things by myself. All the people looked at my as if I were crazy because just couples and parents with their children were riding and me - all alone. That was a strange feeling, but I somehow started to like it, it was kind of fun the push yourself over the limit concerning embarrassment. Hehe - I finally attended Transfomers at 10pm which kind of overwhelmed me auditive and visual vise so that I had to throw up after the show very badly. Thanks for that Michael (Bay) and Steven (Spielberg)! ;)
The rest of the evening was just unbelievable strange and weird, If you wanna know what happened wait like 2 years and you can watch it as a movie because I really have to write a script based on some of those events. ;)