Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Me and My Life - Part 1

Finally, the day has come where I upload the first part of my video I had to do for my class Digital Tech and Film. Basically, the assignment was about shooting and cutting a video where we present ourselves and our life. That is what I did - presenting some things from my life back in Europe as well as some insights in my life now in the United States. Since I'm a filmmaker and there is a little producer in me I decided to upload the video in two parts in order to create a cliffhanger so that you have to come back in order to see the second part (if you haven't seen it already on facebook) - hehe ;

)More updates on recent events coming soon, but I get buried under a pile of homework, assignments and studies I have to do.

So long - enjoy!  
First Part (second will be shown at the beginning of November)