Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Treshold

So, now I think the time has come where I really do realize what's going on. Untill today, the whole moving to another country thing was a pretty nice thought and it was somewhat away, but now, 5 days before I enter the airplane, during packing things and cleaning up my room I somehow realised that's for real baby! And it's going to change my whole life. It's not vacation and it's not youth camp. You ... are ... actually ... moving ... thousands ... of ... miles ... away. Something like that echos constanly through my head.

The consequence: I need to grow up. I need to take respoonsibility and I need to care for my self. Of course I thought I did that already during my time in Salzburg - bullshit - it's nothing like that. An one-hour train ride and 20 € and I was home where someone took care for me if I needed it. But it's not going to happen now. I'm not really scared, I guess I'm more - hmm - sad. I need to pack my past into boxes and put it up in the attic. It's truely a strange feeling.

Anyhow, I think this feelings are neccessary in order to say goodbye to all and everything and close a really cool chapter in my life - but you know what, this means I'm also going to open another chapter and I'm fucking curious about what the author is going to write - hehe

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Chaos all over ...

So, most of the stress is over now. All exams are done, and done fairly well as I think. All projects are finished including the first season of "The Sign" which I wrote and directed. I moved out from Salzburg, after a nice cleaning session with Manuel, thanks for helping again! I have now my visa, my flight-tickets, insurance and hopefully an appartment - at least we signed the lease. ;) If that works out it's going to be really cool :)
Currently I'm trying to organize my life or in geek term, I defrag and backup my life - haha! It means rearranging and throwing things out I won't use or I won't need anymore, making room for new stuff (dollar sign appearing in my eyes) ... Yesterday I started sorting out my clothes. My god, I found pieces in my closet which I could hardly look at - meaning they were so 90s ;) haha It's been a lot actually which I won't wear anymore, but that's okay so I have more space to buy new things in the USA. ;)

Meanwhile, I try to backup all my videos and photos I created the last 12 years in order to take them with me on an external hard drive, since I sell both my notebooks on eBay. Honestly, I'm kinda addicted to eBay right now. I sell everything which brings a quick buck - I guess better than loosing it's value while getting dusty at home, right?
Oh btw, don't worry if you fear that I won't write anymore without notebook over there, I will but I'm going to be a Mac then! :)

Anyhow, this was a short update on what's going on in my life concerning the moving to the States. Since I have more time now, I'm going to write more often - promised!