Sunday, July 1, 2007

Chaos all over ...

So, most of the stress is over now. All exams are done, and done fairly well as I think. All projects are finished including the first season of "The Sign" which I wrote and directed. I moved out from Salzburg, after a nice cleaning session with Manuel, thanks for helping again! I have now my visa, my flight-tickets, insurance and hopefully an appartment - at least we signed the lease. ;) If that works out it's going to be really cool :)
Currently I'm trying to organize my life or in geek term, I defrag and backup my life - haha! It means rearranging and throwing things out I won't use or I won't need anymore, making room for new stuff (dollar sign appearing in my eyes) ... Yesterday I started sorting out my clothes. My god, I found pieces in my closet which I could hardly look at - meaning they were so 90s ;) haha It's been a lot actually which I won't wear anymore, but that's okay so I have more space to buy new things in the USA. ;)

Meanwhile, I try to backup all my videos and photos I created the last 12 years in order to take them with me on an external hard drive, since I sell both my notebooks on eBay. Honestly, I'm kinda addicted to eBay right now. I sell everything which brings a quick buck - I guess better than loosing it's value while getting dusty at home, right?
Oh btw, don't worry if you fear that I won't write anymore without notebook over there, I will but I'm going to be a Mac then! :)

Anyhow, this was a short update on what's going on in my life concerning the moving to the States. Since I have more time now, I'm going to write more often - promised!

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