Friday, August 17, 2007

Still try to orient ...

So second week of orientation and things still change. We finally moved in to our apartment. (more information on that will follow shortly with pictures and roommate description). We also started registering our courses which was a bit of strange 'cause we had to wait until this week. Unfortunately, most of the courses were closed already so I need to go to professors personally next week and ask them if there is room for one more student. Currently I have 12 credit hours which is enough to be a full time student here but I want at least 3 credit hours more which means one course. At the moment I'm registered to the following courses:

* Introductory Writing (English Course)
* Introduction to Film
* Film I: Cinematography
* Digital Tech & Film

I try to get in either Script Analysis or History of Film. I also got the list of books I need for my courses and they are insanely expensive. I pay for my 3 books for Introductory Writing 150$.

I also plan on starting a short film project outside of courses, for which I contacted a professor via e-mail. He is pretty nice and told me that I should come to one of his office hours because he wants to get in touch with me and he will support me with knowledge and equipment - so I'm going to start writing the script soon which will be a short movie in length of 5 - 10 mins. The movie is going to be character driven, this means it won't contain a lot of action, otherwise it would get too complex, Yeah well, I'm curious about that.

Yesterday Martin and I have been too Wallmart with the two asian girls because they have a car and they drove us. I just can tell you that buying grocery or whatever in the US is insane. Everything is soooooooo big, they are just family sizes and like 10 different brands for each product. I thought I drive crazy. We have been there for 2 and 1/2 hours to get our stuff and I was just exhausted afterwards - Unbelievable. I really need get used to it.

BTW: We found a piece of home in the middle of Ohio:

This week all the freshmen came to Campus. Finally, the town gets crowded. There are several events this and the next week. Yesterday, was the welcome bash at the baseball field. You can see Freddy and Frieda at the picture above which are the mascots of BGSU. We got free food and beverages. It was also a band playing. It was quite fun.

Today, I spent my day with Andres a guy from Costa Rica. He is also an international student. We played for 2 hours Playstation 3 which was pretty cool and headed to a dodge-ball tournament. Afterwards we went to the arcade and had some pizza. I also noticed that since I just spoke english the whole day that this somehow exhausts me a lot. My english gets worse and worse and I simply can't talk properly anymore - it sounds like school english, just worse. You can even see it right here in the post. I guess I just need another couple of weeks to get used to it.

Anyhow, that's it for today, I added some more photos in the orientation week set. Just click Orientation Week on the right hand side.

1 comment:

Azreal83 said...

How do the US people pronounce Aldi? ^^

Like Äldy or something. lol cant belive there is an Aldi in America.