Anyhow I passed and I'm glad about that since I need it in order to get into bars as well because that's how they verify your age, otherwise I needed to bring my passport to the bars and even that option was uncertain since not all bars accept foreign passports.
I think I didn't talk about my car so far. I bought a car like 2 weeks ago a 2000 Pontiac Sunfire SE. It's a used car (obviously) and I got it for like 3.000 euros which is a pretty good price vor 127.000 miles. And it got automatic transmission - of course - I really start to like it, especially the cruze control. Hehe! I'm very happy with the car because it taught me a completely new feeling of freedom. Now I can go wherever I want and whenever I want to - that is a really great feeling. I also got my title and my license plates today and I also have insurance for my car so I'm set and ready to go.

This is why I'm looking forward to going to Chicago over the weekend since their is the international Short Film Festival. It's gonna be my first road trip and I'm going all by myself. I'm gonna start my trip tomorrow noon and I'm going to be in Chicago in about 4 hours, so by 4 pm I should be there. I'm curious how it's going to be - it's going to be a whole new experience. Hehe
I'm really going to try to take some pictures of the trip so that I can write a post about it. So, that was the update on one aspect of my life in the United States. Of course there is going to be more like what's the university like, where and how do I live and who are my roommates besides Martin. And I also plan several other road trips like to New York City in about 2 weeks for the New York Film Festival.
So stay tuned! ;)
Congrats again to your new driving licence...and your hot car ;)
Have fun in Chicago and enjoy the festival :) Looking forward to some pictures and a report :)
greetings from Sweden,
Hi, Gratulation zum Führerschein! Echt super, und so a geiles auto, da wird der Harald ja super neidisch sein.... hehe ;)
viel spass beim fahren
lg Kathi
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